My Asus laptop is all up and ready :).
I'm aware I'm turning into a dull blogger. Never blogging about stuffs that interest any of you. But well, I'm sorry for that. I think I've lost my blogging-mojo :(.
At the moment, I would like to share my current personal thoughts, of the things and people I'm gonna miss when I study at Kampar.
Firstly, of course my family. My loving old man, the ever-nagging mother, studious brother, Fahrenheit-freak younger sister, and I-know-everything-in-the-house youngest sister.
Secondly, my friends. Yes, you. I'm sorry I've never acted like I appreciate you guys, but deep down in me, I truly appreciate every single one of you, my friends. Even you lucky people who are currently studying abroad, pursuing your respective future prospects. From U.S., to U.K., to Australia.
& how can I not miss her, Jacqueline Chan Choi Quin. Early this year, I never thought 2008 would be year someone come into my life. She rose up to the task, the task of filling up my empty glass of longing-ness for a special someone. & heck babe, you're amazing. You're understanding, truthful, affectionate and I can go on listing the whole day. I can't believe you can stand my rants cause even my mother can't. Yes we both have bumpy roads along the way, but which couple never felt any bumps? The bump I meant was obstacles and not the bum, one's behind :).
We're so use to seeing each other often, I think I'll find it awfully tough not to have you around for half a year. Along the time frame, I'll try to come back as often as I could. I'll miss playing with ur hair, and ur bouncy belly :D. I know you'll miss getting your hands on my brawny pair of assets (the assets were refering to my legs, mind you) and what else, 'move it move it'? LOL.
I've come up with this collage of us, merely cutting and pasting. Not gonna be the most brilliant you've ever seen but I like it. Do you ? :)
I love you, Jac, you gorgeous little thing you.
I'm here blogging in the wee hours in the morning, and you're probably sleeping. Without replying my message. (I like to make her feel bad :D) Haha joking.
& so it continues.
It's not like I'm leaving for somewhere really far away, but wtf don't spoil the moment.
If anyone wishes to drop by at Perak, don't forget to ring me and I shall entertain you :D.
I've just read Wei Kit's blog a while ago, and man Wei Kit, your post is so inspiring I banyak suka. Tomorrow morning I'm determined to wake up early to do interval runs! :) It's about time I consider working hard to stay as fit as I could.
Oh no, now it's already 3am+ tomorrow can wake up early anot ? :\
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