2008 passed by so, so quickly.
It felt as if Thian Hong barely left us and now he's back again. 2008 has been nonetheless, a truly memorable one, chiefly due to the fact I met my special one ;).
This December is the month that I made a few larger-than-normal spending prior to moving to Kampar cum this January.
Firstly I bought a new handphone,

Indeed it's true Sony Ericsson phones have great features and functions, but I miss flipping my phone with the old V3i :(.
Bought this phone at Digital Mall with Thian Hong to assist me in both choosing and bargaining :D.
haha :D.
Besides that I went to PC fair with Ser Siang, and got myself a brand new Asus Laptop.
Guys, if there's a record on Who-Can-Stay-at-McDonalds-the-Longest (exception for those who's working, I think a possible candidate would be my girlfriend, Jacqueline Chan Choi Quin, and her assignment groupmates.
Believe it or not, on Saturday she stayed at Seksyen 14's Mc Donalds from 7.30am to 11pm. That is a freaking 15 hours and 30 mins! Even the workers has only a shift of 8hours and maximum 12hours. Nutcase. She and her groupmates were all working towards completing 6 assignments for 6 different subjects. Even I myself, who's not involve in the assignment, was there for 11hours. I was there to study and in the meantime give moral support :b.
Besides that I went to PC fair with Ser Siang, and got myself a brand new Asus Laptop.
Guys, if there's a record on Who-Can-Stay-at-McDonalds-the-Longest (exception for those who's working, I think a possible candidate would be my girlfriend, Jacqueline Chan Choi Quin, and her assignment groupmates.
Believe it or not, on Saturday she stayed at Seksyen 14's Mc Donalds from 7.30am to 11pm. That is a freaking 15 hours and 30 mins! Even the workers has only a shift of 8hours and maximum 12hours. Nutcase. She and her groupmates were all working towards completing 6 assignments for 6 different subjects. Even I myself, who's not involve in the assignment, was there for 11hours. I was there to study and in the meantime give moral support :b.
I'm here to share something not very pleasant to the eye with you. Look,
One day wasn't enough, Jac and her groupmates went there again on Sunday. I forgotten how long was it but I recall it was morning till night again =_=.
That day, marked the 2nd month of us being together :).
The 'sifu' of the art of folding these rose is none other than Thian Hong himself. Thanks dude ;).
Guess what, the following day was a public holiday and she went to Mc D again. LOL la.
One of the weekend, went to 1u with Thian Hong, Khy Li and Sarah Ooi after sleeping over at Khy Li's.
Haha can't resist taking with my new 3.2megapixel Cybershot phone ah. If you're a regular shopper you would recognise this is 1u's carpark haha.
Later on the week was just intense studying for both Finance and Cost Accounting. Felt kind of bad for cancelling a few plans.
I've got around 2 weeks + to catch up with my friends and family here before moving to Kampar.
A big part of my time will be used as I'll be working during the weekends at Tesco. Since I spend so much lately, it's good to earn back a sum of money. Besides that, yeah.
Meng Leong make good use of your time!
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